Metallic Conveyor Belts

They have a wide range of uses in many industries as varied as food, agroindustry, canning, metallurgical, fishing, wood rolling mills etc., providing a solution to the continuous transport requirements in its production procedures.

Manufactured Stainless Steel and Acero Galvanised Steel.


Aspects to bear in mind before making a conveyor belt:


Determine basic measurements:

Spiral pitch.
Distance between pins.
Spiral diameter (Wire).
Pin diameter (Wire).
Width in m.
Length in m.
Diameter of the circumference inscribed in a rhombus.


Conveyor Belt Termination:

A. Welded Tips.
B. Bent tips.


Drive chains and Accessories.

We have developed different types of accessories to suit your conveyor belts with a view to improving their duration and functionality. Using the chain is intended to ensure, whether the conveyor belt is there or not, improving its duration and operationality. The use of drag chains and other types of accessories usually requires minor modifications to the existing equipment, but they generate major changes to their operation. We are experienced in solutions prepared for working in extreme temperatures such as drying, warming and freezing tunnels.


Layout of the drag pins.

C. All the belt pins are inserted in the chain.

D. The chain is joined to the belt by means of second straight pins every certain number of chain pitches.






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